Belmont County Ohio Ghosts and Hauntings
Louisa Catherine Fox Murder Site
Barnesville, OH 43713
On a cold day in January of 1869, 13 year old Louisa Fox was murdered by a would-be suitor (Thomas Carr) because her parents forbade her marriage to the 22 year old coalminer. Her ghost has been seen at the murder site along with Carr who confessed and was hanged.

The ghost of 13 year old Louisa Fox, buried here after her murder, haunts the cemetery. Her ghost has been seen walking among the graves.

Old Egypt Cemetery (Circle Cemetery)
Egypt Valley Wildlife Area
A bizarre legend is attached to Old Egypt Cemetery - legends say a truck driver was attempting to circle the cemetery and his vehicle overturned. He lost his arm in the wreck as the truck rolled down the hill. There are those who have seen the ghostly arm and hand working across the cemetery. Scratching sounds are heard as the nails rake across the gravestones.

Butter Milk Road
An ancient road called Butter Milk Road runs along Butter Milk Creek where the town of Egypt Valley once stood (now in the Egypt Valley Wildlife area) and extends all the way to nearby Morristown. Somewhere along its 4 1/2 mile run between Morristown and the ghost town of Egypt, the spirit of a cemetery caretaker who froze to death in the winter haunts the remote, gritty mud and gravel road. You can see the glow of his lantern while he works his way along the road.

Frozen Spirit of Black Oak Road

Lady Bend Hill
Bethesda, OH 43719
An old legend tells that a young woman from Wheeling was riding her horse pell-mell down the road after a quarrel with her family. Some say it was over the love of a Guernsey County boy just across the state line who was of humbler means. Regardless, it was during a thunderstorm and along a treacherous hill outside Morristown when one bolt of lightening lit up the sky and spooked the horse. The woman fell and was dragged by the horse to her death. It was said when they found her, she was so mutilated, her head was detached from her body. The dangerous section became deemed: Lady Bend Hill. To this day, drivers along both Old National Road and I-70 at this section are frightened by a ghostly apparition of the woman riding beside them in their cars, searching for her head.